HercuLeS is a high-level synthesis tool that
automatically generates RTL VHDL for non-programmable hardware. HercuLeS translates
programs in NAC (a bit-accurate typed-assembly language) to extended FSMDs
(Finite-State Machines with Datapath) in VHDL. HercuLeS can also be used for direct
synthesis of ANSI C code to VHDL with the help of a prototype translator from
new intermediate representation to NAC.
Internally, HercuLeS comprises of two main components: a frontend (nac2cdfg) and a graph-based
backend (cdfg2hdl):
- nac2cdfg: translator from NAC (N-Address Code) IR, to flat CDFGs represented in Graphviz
- cdfg2hdl: the actual HLS tool for automatic FSMD hardware and self-checking testbench generation from Graphviz files to VHDL
HercuLeS also has an additional ANSI C backend, allowing comparison of NAC programs to
reference ANSI C application code and the rapid prototyping of applications (VHDL
simulation can be slow depending on design complexity, input data and the simulator used).
VHDL code generated by HercuLeS can be simulated with GHDL
and the industry-standard Modelsim. It is
possible to generate VHDL using either the Synopsys packages (the "old" de-facto standard)
or the official IEEE library packages.
HercuLeS supports IEEE-754 floating-point arithmetic
(32-bit single and 64-bit double precisions) using the
VHDL-2008 floating-point arithmetic package.
Further, HercuLeS supports fixed-point arithmetic via
sfixed and ufixed vectors as defined by the great VHDL-2008 fixed-point arithmetic packages
by David Bishop. For this option, HercuLeS should be notified (via command-line option) to use the IEEE packages.
A recent presentation of HercuLeS can be found here (UPDATED: 2012-12-21). It is
also mentioned in the Downloads section.
The current features of HercuLeS include:
- Multiple subprograms (procedures) and procedure calls
- GIMPLE-to-NAC prototype frontend
- NAC (N-address code) parsing and semantic analysis
- Support for SSA form IR (in-to-SSA and out-of-SSA translations) based on Appel's "really-crude"
method and Aycock-Horspool's iteratively eliminating algorithms for minimal SSA
- Translation of NAC input programs to Graphviz CDFGs
- CDFG (organized as Graphviz graphs) parsing and semantic analysis
- Support of:
- IEEE-754 compliant floating-point arithmetic
- multi-precision integer (std_logic_vector) and fixed-point (sfixed, ufixed) arithmetic
- basic low-level IR operators
- extended FSMD model of computation
- "scalar" and "streamed" (emitting a series of result values over time) outputs
- single-dimensional arrays (Multidimensional arrays can always be reduced to
single-dimensional ones via matrix flattening)
- parameter passing through array procedure arguments
- automatic inference of block-RAM storage (for FPGAs)
- Scheduling engines
- Sequential scheduling
- Control-aware ASAP scheduling
- Control-aware ASAP scheduling with operation chaining (2x-4x better performance)
- Optimizations
- Register optimization using
linear-scan register allocation
- Source-to-source C code optimizer
- Integration of constant multiplication and division optimizations
- Polynomial expression optimizer (WIP)
- Integration of peephole-based optimizer
- Data flow analysis (conservative custom method using on-demand graph reachability checks)
- Interface to a graph matching (graph and subgraph isomorphism) engine
- Various APIs:
- Common abstract data types
- Combinatorial objects generator
- Interval arithmetic
- Data flow analysis
- Simple graphs (undirected and directed)
- Attributed graphs (undirected and directed)
- Generators
- VHDL design code (FSMD datapath and control)
- Self-checking VHDL testbench
- Various script files (Makefiles, shell scripts) for GHDL/Modelsim simulations
- Generation of Makefiles and scripts for running logic synthesis tools
- Hardware operator library (Configurable multipliers, Logarithm functions, Variable shifters, Dividers and modulo extractors)
- TODO list [UPDATED: 2013-02-05]
- New C frontend
- Multi-port memory synthesis (external tool available)
- Access to global data from any procedure. Currently only the "root" procedure can access globals
- Support of dynamically allocated data
- Support of record data types (WIP: supported by new C frontend under development)
- List scheduling with operation chaining optimizations
- Graph-based optimization engine (WIP: prototype development)
- Enhanced data flow analysis
- Recursive procedure support [UPDATE: currently supported in the C backend]
The following figure gives an internal view to the process flow of HercuLeS.
The user of HercuLeS must provide two input files:
- design.nac: A NAC program translation unit providing the entire application. The root
procedure must be named "design"
- design_test_data.txt: Input/output reference values for use by the automatically-generated
Then, nac2cdfg generates several files:
- design.dot, subdes1.dot, ..., subdesn.dot: The Graphviz CDFGs for the root procedure
and all other procedures in the NAC program.
- main.c, main.h, ansic.mk: Files generated for running an ANSI C simulation.
ansic.mk is an automatically-generated Makefile.
- design_nac.c, subdes1_nac.c, ..., subdesn_nac.c: ANSI C backend files providing
C implementations of all procedures in the translation unit, generated directly from NAC.
They are used in the C simulations.
- design_pkg.vhd: VHDL package incorporating the components for all NAC procedures.
- design_cdt_pkg.vhd: VHDL package incorporating definitions of compound data types (arrays).
Following this, there exist two possible flows; one for the generation and simulation of synthesizable
RTL VHDL for the NAC program, and one for a C simulation.
The C simulation flow proceeds by invoking the ansic.mk makefile by running:
make -f ansic.mk
from the command line. This produces a main.exe executable specification (e.g. on Windows/Cygwin).
Then, the executable is run:
and output is produced at the command prompt.
The VHDL flow involves processing all CDFG (.dot) files by cdfg2hdl, the actual backend tool
of HercuLeS. cdfg2hdl generates several files:
- design.vhd, subdes1.vhd, ..., subdesn.vhd: Synthesizable RTL VHDL for the root procedure
and all other procedures in the NAC program.
- ram.vhd: VHDL model of a dual-port synchronous read RAM for block RAM inference.
It is only used if block RAM mapping is enabled.
- design_tb.vhd: The automatically-generated self-checking testbench.
- design.mk: Makefile for running a GHDL simulation.
- design.do: Modelsim do macro file for running a Modelsim simulation.
- design.sh: Bash shell script initiating either a GHDL or Modelsim simulation.
Finally, the design.sh script is run from the command line:
This produces a text file (design_alg_test_results.txt) providing diagnostic
output from a simulation run. Output to the command prompt for any internal
program variable, procedure argument, etc can be produced by using the "print"
NAC operation. A "print" is mapped to a VHDL "assert" construct or a C standard
library "printf".
Also, a VCD (design_fsmd.vcd) or GHW (design_fsmd.ghw) waveform file can be
generated for viewing with GTKwave.
Windows binaries for GTKwave can be found here.
NAC is an extensible, bit-accurate, typed-assembly language. NAC provides arbitrary n-to-m
operation mappings, enforcing a single format for all operations, and
bit-accurate data types. It supports scalar, single-dimensional array and streamed I/O procedure
arguments. NAC statements are labels, n-address instructions or procedure calls.
The current version (0.0.4) of the NAC programming language manual can be found
here in HTML form and can be downloaded from
here as a PDF file.
An ANSI C frontend, namely gimple2nac is under development for translating
GIMPLE dumps from GCC compilation to NAC translation units. It is currently in usable
state, provided that the current liminations of the GCC GIMPLE front end infrastructure
are accounted. The GIMPLE front end is under heavy development; a future release of GCC
will support the final textual GIMPLE grammar).
The gimple-front-end
branch is aiming to this purpose: to provide a fixed textual IR.
The textual GIMPLE IR will bare some similarities to the current format of GIMPLE dumps.
As input, gimple2nac currently accepts the non-official grammar of GIMPLE files with the
.004t.gimple suffix.
I am currently writing a document highlighting issues with code generation from
GIMPLE dumps. You can find it
here in HTML form and can be downloaded from
here as a PDF file.
gimple2nac will be released under GPL, version 3 when the gimple-front-end branch
will be merged to GCC mainline, and the corresponding grammar and semantic changes
will propagate to my GIMPLE-to-NAC translator.
The following set of examples illustrates the high-level synthesis of NAC programs.
They have been generated with SSA (Static Single Assignment) disabled and using the
sequential scheduler. The examples have been selected so that the hardware operator
library is not required. In the future, an obfuscated or encrypted version of the
library will be included.
A self-contained ZIP file with these examples is available:
To run a simulation from this package, unzip the package, cd to the corresponding directory (e.g. fibo)
and run:
provided that you have GHDL installed on your system. You will also need a Windows/Cygwin
installation or gnuwin32 versions of standard Unix utilities: make, bash.
The simulation will need two files providing some IEEE extension functions/procedures.
They are required only for running the simulations. These files are provided in the
00contrib subdirectory.
Each example (e.g. NAC program "design.nac") includes the following source files:
- NAC program: design.nac
- Reference vectors: design_test_data.txt
and the following generated files:
- VHDL design: design.vhd for the root procedure and any other VHDL files for each one of the called procedures
(from root or from lower in the call tree hierarchy).
- Testbench: design_tb.vhd
- CDFG visualization: design.dot.png
- CFG visualization: design_cfg.dot.png
- GHDL Makefile: design.mk
- Bash script for VHDL simulation with GHDL: design.sh
- Diagnostic output: design_alg_test_results.txt (only in the ZIP file).
The files included in nac-examples.zip are also
available for separate viewing from here:
- loop1 (a single loop for-loop counting from 0 to a configurable limit. The easiest example)
loop1 CDFG,
loop1 CFG,
Makefile for GHDL simulation of loop1,
Bash script for automating the simulation of loop1.
- fibo (iterative version of Fibonacci sequence generation)
fibo CDFG,
fibo CFG,
Makefile for GHDL simulation of fibo,
Bash script for automating the simulation of fibo.
- divider (sequential divider producing both quotient and remainder)
divider CDFG,
divider CFG,
Makefile for GHDL simulation of divider,
Bash script for automating the simulation of divider.
- isqrt (integer square root calculation)
isqrt CDFG,
isqrt CFG,
Makefile for GHDL simulation of isqrt,
Bash script for automating the simulation of isqrt.
The following set of examples illustrates the high-level synthesis of ANSI C programs.
The overall process involves translation of C programs to GIMPLE, followed
by processing from gimple2nac, nac2cdfg, and cdfg2hdl.
This set of examples has been generated with SSA (Static Single Assignment) enabled, using
the ASAP scheduler and with block RAMs enabled.
A self-contained ZIP file with these examples is available:
gcc-4.5.1 has been used for producing the .gimple files. From these files, the
corresponding .nac is generated with "gimple2nac". The same rules apply (as above)
for running a GHDL simulation.
The sieve design requires a full multiplier. An implementation of the mul operator
is provided in file operpack_ieee.vhd. Its implementation is subject to change in
the future (e.g. for better performance). Further, the simulation will need two files providing
some IEEE extension functions/procedures.
They are required only for running the simulations. These files are provided in the
00contrib subdirectory.
Each example (e.g. C program "design_generic.c") includes the following source files:
- ANSI C program: design_generic.c
- Reference vectors: design_test_data.txt
and the following generated files:
- GIMPLE file: design_generic.c.004t.gimple
- NAC file: design.nac
- VHDL design: design.vhd for the root procedure and any other VHDL files for each one of the called procedures
(from root or from lower in the call tree hierarchy).
- Testbench: design_tb.vhd
- CDFG visualization: design.dot.png
- CFG visualization: design_cfg.dot.png
- GHDL Makefile: design.mk
- Bash script for VHDL simulation with GHDL: design.sh
- Diagnostic output: design_alg_test_results.txt (only in the ZIP file).
- NOTE: For the case of the "sieve" example, more design files are generated, since it
comprises of two procedures: sieve (the root procedure) and isqrt (which is called by root).
The files included in ansic-examples.zip are also
available for separate viewing from here:
- fibo (iterative version of Fibonacci sequence generation)
Input C file for fibo,
GIMPLE file for fibo generated by gcc,
fibo CDFG,
fibo CFG,
Makefile for GHDL simulation of fibo,
Bash script for automating the simulation of fibo.
- gcd (greatest common divisor)
Input C file for gcd,
GIMPLE file for gcd generated by gcc,
gcd CDFG,
gcd CFG,
Makefile for GHDL simulation of gcd,
Bash script for automating the simulation of gcd.
- linedraw (Bresenham's line drawing algorithm. Illustrates the use of streaming outputs)
Input C file for linedraw,
GIMPLE file for linedraw generated by gcc,
linedraw CDFG,
linedraw CFG,
Makefile for GHDL simulation of linedraw,
Bash script for automating the simulation of linedraw.
- sieve (sieve of Eratosthenes. Illustrates the use of global arrays and procedure calls)
Input C file for sieve,
GIMPLE file for sieve generated by gcc,
VHDL package containing array data type definitions for sieve,
RAM memory model for block RAM inference,
sieve CDFG,
sieve CFG,
isqrt CDFG,
isqrt CFG,
Makefile for GHDL simulation of sieve,
Bash script for automating the simulation of sieve.
- A recent (December 2012) presentation of the HercuLeS hardware compiler.
- The HercuLeS reference manual in PDF and
HTML. Chapter 8 describes the HercuLeS GUI
- HercuLeS feature matrix in PDF and HTML
- EBNF NAC grammar
- NAC yacc/bison grammar
- NAC lex/flex scanner
- Basic flex/bison parser for NAC (nacparser)
- NAC grammar for the GOLD Parsing System.
The GOLD Parsing System is a parser generation framework.
- TXL grammar for NAC. TXL is a source transformation language.
- TXL pretty printer for NAC
- [OLD] Sample test sets of software applications. The set include binaries generated by GHDL
running on Fedora 8. These binaries are self-contained and can be run under any recent Linux distribution.
Feel FREE to download this OLD demo:
You should run this from a Linux command prompt. A slightly-different
version (with interpreted and not built models) was also tested successfully on Cygwin/Windows XP.
[UPDATED: 05-June-2010]
- Preliminary documentation for nac2cdfg in
HTML and PDF formats (covering command-line options).
- Preliminary documentation for cdfg2hdl in
HTML and PDF formats (covering command-line options).
- [TBR] A complete example of a multi-function CORDIC.
- [TBR] Performance comparison to other high-level synthesis tools.
- [TBR] Self-contained peephole optimizer for NAC programs.
Updated by Nikolaos Kavvadias on August 23, 2016
Previous versions: June 06, 2013 / February 05, 2013 / February 02, 2012 / October 31, 2011.