Vivado HLS vs HercuLeS (Kintex-7 and VDS 2013.2 update)

As a followup to a previous blog post on out-of-the-box Vivado HLS vs HercuLeS comparison the following table provides updated information on the performance of HercuLeS against Vivado HLS 2013.2 on Virtex-6 and Kintex-7 (XC7K70TFBG676-2 FPGA device).

Better results (lower execution time; smaller area) have been typeset in bold. It can be clearly seen that HercuLeS outperforms Vivado HLS in key benchmarks such as filtering and numerical processing. As expected in many occasions, better speed/performance can be traded-off for lower area. With 12 partial wins each, one could call this a tie :)

Benchmark Description Vivado HLS (VHLS) HercuLeS Device
    LUTs Regs TET LUTs Regs TET  
bitrev Bit reversal 67 39 72.0 42 40 11.6 Virtex-6
divider Radix-2 division 218 226 63.6 318 332 30.6 Kintex-7
edgedet Edge detection 246 130 1636.3 680 361 1606.4 Virtex-6; 1 BRAM for VHLS
fibo Fibonacci series 138 131 60.2 137 197 102.7 Virtex-6
fir FIR filter 89 114 1027.1 606 540 393.8 Kintex-7
gcd Greatest common divisor 210 98 35.2 128 93 75.9 Virtex-6
icbrt Cubic root approximation 239 207 260.6 365 201 400.5 Virtex-6
sieve Prime sieve of Eratosthenes 525 595 6108.4 565 523 3869.5 Virtex-6; 1 BRAM for VHLS