Title | toy (Assembler and simulator for the Princeton TOY machine) |
Author | Nikolaos Kavvadias 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 toy.c written by Christopher W. Fraser. |
Contact | nikos@nkavvadias.com |
Website | http://www.nkavvadias.com |
Release Date | 02 December 2014 |
Version | 0.0.3 |
Rev. history | |
v0.0.3 | 2014-12-02 Added project logo to README. |
v0.0.2 | 2014-10-27 Updated for Github. |
v0.0.1 | 2010-12-06 Initial release. |
toy is a collection of software development tools for the Princeton TOY processor. toyasm is a single-pass assembler and toy is the TOY simulator by Chris Fraser.
The toy distribution includes the following files:
/toy | Top-level directory |
AUTHORS | List of toy authors. |
LICENSE | The modified BSD license governs toy. |
Makefile | Makefile for toy and toyasm. |
README.html | HTML version of README. |
README.pdf | PDF version of README. |
README.rst | This file. |
VERSION | Current version of the project sources. |
fibo.asm | TOY assembly implementation of Fibonacci's algorithm. |
fibo.c | Reference implementation of Fibonacci sequence generation in ANSI C. |
fibo.toy | TOY machine code file of fibo.asm for the toy simulator. |
main.c | Driver C file for the toyasm assembler. |
popcount.asm | TOY assembly implementation of population count. |
popcount.c | Reference implementation of population count in ANSI C. |
popcount.toy | TOY machine code file of popcount.asm for the toy simulator. |
rst2docs.sh | Bash script for generating the HTML and PDF versions of the documentation (README). |
toy.c | The toy simulator. |
toy.l | Lexer for the TOY assembler. |
toy.png | PNG image for the toy project logo. |
toy.y | Parser for the TOY assembler. |
toy-cheatsheet.txt | TOY reference card |
$ make clean $ make
$ ./toyasm[.exe] fibo.asm > fibo.toy $ ./toy[.exe] fibo.toy
When prompted give a 16-bit hexadecimal constant (e.g. 0008) from stdin (the toy simulator features an interactive console). Then the simulator executes and prints 0015 (21 in decimal) as the correct result for the 8-th element of Fibonacci's sequence.
Similarly, you can run a test for popcount by entering a hexadecimal number; the TOY simulator console will then return the number of ones in that number.
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